

  1. 答:你可以去差神英语学校撒 周末去上课咯,跟着老师学。不过交通不方便,我都是在家里学习,我都是工含庆绝作.好.下班九点后才回家上线ABC天卞英语上课,课程针对性强,进步快 有 就能学英语,不妨做个轻松口语测试体验下吧,若有帮助记得评我谈姿最佳哦 ~ImportanceofspokenEnglish:Therearethousandsoflanguagesintheworld.Englissoneoftheworld’smostwidelyusedlanguages.Itisspokenbynearlythreehundredmillionpeople:intheUnitedStates,Britain,Canada,someCaribbeancountries,andSouthAfrica.Asasecondlanguage,Englissoftennecessaryforbusiness,education,informationandotheractivitiesinagreatmanycountriessuchasIndia,ethelanguageofinternationaltradeandtransportIthasbeensaidthat0percentoftheworld’sradiobroadcastsand0percentoftheworld’smailareinEnglish.Atinternationalsportsmeets,atmeetingsofscientistsfromdifferentcountriesandattalksofwritersandartistsfromthecornersoftheearth,ethelanguageofinternationalcooperationinscienceandtechnology.
  1. 答:Want to learn spoken English, you should learn the most basic words, like Chinese learning Chinese characters recognition. Secondly, we should learn to master English grammar, as we begin to learn the basic syntax. Secondly, we should expand the reading surface, is should read some English books or movies, increase their knowledge. Finally, you must be confident, daring to say what you want to say. These are to you can hold on under the premise can pleted.
  2. 答:How to Improve Our Oral English
    As we know,oral English,which is also called spoken English,is the most important part in English learning,so a mand of it is of great importance.But how can we improve it? In my view,we should do the following.First of all.practise it frequently.Keep speaking English every day.Second,don't be afraid of talking in English in front of people.Maybe you'll make some mistakes,still,don't be shy,just try.Third,listening to some English tapes and watching videos can also help.
    As an old Chinese saying goes,Practice Makes Perfect.As long as we keep trying,our oral English will improve.
问:How to improve English listening?英语作文怎么写
  1. 答:神慧I learnt English quickly by using the following ways:
    First to learn English well,you must know your grammar,only when you know how to use grammar,you can improve your English quickly.You can also listen to English tapes or programs to improve your listening and also speaking.
    弊租Second,remember not to be shy when you speak to other people,they will not make fun of you,take a deep breath and smile when you're speaking to foreigners.
    游卜答Finally,prepare a English notebook to write down all of the English words that you often make mistakes on.Day by day,i'm sure your English can improve a lot!
